心 & Body
心 and Body resources support the ability to identify and care for the physical and emotional needs and the awareness of influences that affect overall health.
- For all mental 卫生服务 offered on 皇冠投注’s Campus please see our 精神健康主页
- 皇冠投注餐厅——很简单. We believe that good food is essential to nourish the mind and body. Our commitment is to provide a variety of healthful options to help you power your life on campus. We also provide ongoing nutrition and wellness programing on campus. Our engaging activities and educational events serve to promote a balanced and mindful approach to eating and living.
- 指南针中心-指南针中心致力于为学生提供机会, 教师, and 工作人员 to reflect on their own passions and how to connect the life they lead to a sense of purpose and meaning.
- 正念冥想-学会冥想来帮助平静和集中注意力. 接受指导和实践.
- 城市生态与可持续发展中心—The 城市生态与可持续发展中心 is an academic center at 皇冠投注网 dedicated to the science and practice of urban ecology and sustainability. 在文科传统中, we view urban ecology as inherently interdisciplinary and aspire to engage disciplines across 皇冠投注’s campus—from biology to business and beyond—in gaining a 有趣的damental understanding of urban ecology and sustainability for a more environmentally resilient, 经济上可行的, 公平的社会. 关注皇冠投注的脸谱网和Instagram @皇冠投注CUES.
- 皇冠投注的农场—The farm’s mission is to serve as an example of sustainable urban farming for 皇冠投注网 and the Indianapolis community by teaching the interconnectedness of life, 粮食安全的重要性, 以及通过有机农业种植当地食物的方法. 关注皇冠投注的脸谱网和Instagram @TheFarmAt皇冠投注.
- 平静的应用 -管家学生有资格获得免费的Headspace帐户. 这个移动应用程序. provides guided meditations for all types of needs and all times of day, 睡眠模式和睡前音频, 以及指导身心的有氧运动. 由学生事务处主办
- 健康和娱乐中心(HRC)-为皇冠投注学院的学生提供许多课程和服务, 教师, 工作人员, 和校友, 以及印第安纳波利斯社区. 它不仅是娱乐部门的网站, the HRC also houses the offices of Counseling and Consultation 服务s, 健康促进, 和保健服务, 让它成为校园里真正的健康中心.
- 谘询服务(CCS)—皇冠投注’s licensed and professionally trained 工作人员 offers counseling services to all currently enrolled students. We strive to provide students with the support and resources they need to help them achieve their personal and academic goals and enhance their experience while in college.
- 校园连接预防自杀训练—This program’s goals are to increase knowledge and skills related to crisis intervention and suicide prevention.
- 安全空间LGBTQ盟友培训-安全空间为教师提供培训, 工作人员, and students to become active and effective allies to the LGBTQ+ community with the goal of providing a more hospitable environment on campus.
- 繁荣的校园—Access a network of mental health clinicians in the community who work with students.
- 卫生服务—provides health care to students currently enrolled in the University. We place an emphasis on treating the medical, emotional, and educational needs of our students.
- 自我检查(GYT)免费和保密性传播感染检测
- 娱乐与健康—offers a holistic and dynamic approach of a comprehensive suite of services and programs, allowing students to explore informal opportunities in recreation, 体育运动, 和健身.
- 水上运动—Serious and casual swimmers alike will feel at home in the Aquatic Center. 25码的游泳池包含6条独立泳道, and feeds into a spacious leisure pool featuring bubble benches and a current channel.
- 俱乐部体育—Are you looking to participate in a 体育运动 on a more competitive and regular basis? 如果是的话,俱乐部运动就是你的答案. 大多数俱乐部的体育运动每周练习2-3次,并在校园内进行比赛, 校外, 可能还会和其他大学进行全国性的合作.
- 团体健身班- HRC提供了各种令人兴奋的, 有趣的, and dynamic 团体健身班 on a weekly basis that are free with HRC membership.
- 健康促进—actively seeks to educate and empower students to make informed choices that positively impact personal wellness and the wellness of the greater community.
- 校内的运动-皇冠投注提供各种运动,既活跃(i.e. 篮球)和被动(i.e. 欺骗). These 体育运动s are open to all 皇冠投注 students and formatted as a one-day special event/tournament or a 3-week league with a playoff tournament.
- 个人培训—Our 个人培训 service strives to serve 皇冠投注网 and the surrounding community by meeting the needs of our clients.Our trainers will help you reach your goals with personalized programming.
- 性侵犯应变及预防(SARP)—The SARP Office is available to respond to students who have experienced forced or unwanted sexual contact or interpersonal violence.
- 谘询服务(CCS)—皇冠投注’s licensed and professionally trained 工作人员 offers counseling services to all currently enrolled students. We strive to provide students with the support and resources they need to help them achieve their personal and academic goals and enhance their experience while in college.
- 性行为不端资源—Pursuant to our institutional values and the federal law known as Title IX, 皇冠投注网 does not discriminate on the basis of sex or gender in any aspect of its operations, 包括招生和就业. 性行为不端也是被禁止的. 不当性行为包括性别歧视和基于性别的歧视, 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 性剥削, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 和被人跟踪. The sexual misconduct website includes information about how 皇冠投注 works to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct.
- 皇冠投注餐厅——很简单. We believe that good food is essential to nourish the mind and body. Our commitment is to provide a variety of healthful options to help you power your life on campus. We also provide ongoing nutrition and wellness programing on campus. Our engaging activities and educational events serve to promote a balanced and mindful approach to eating and living.
- 平静的应用 -管家的教职员工有资格获得免费的Calm账户. 这个移动应用程序. provides guided meditations for all types of needs and all times of day, 睡眠模型和睡前音频, 以及指导身心的有氧运动. 由学生事务处主办 and The Human Resources Office.
- 指南针中心-指南针中心致力于为学生提供机会, 教师, and 工作人员 to reflect on their own passions and how to connect the life they lead to a sense of purpose and meaning.
- 瑜伽和冥想—offered at 指南针中心 as secular practices meant to calm and focus the mind.
- 城市生态与可持续发展中心—The 城市生态与可持续发展中心 is an academic center at 皇冠投注网 dedicated to the science and practice of urban ecology and sustainability. 在文科传统中, we view urban ecology as inherently interdisciplinary and aspire to engage disciplines across 皇冠投注’s campus—from biology to business and beyond—in gaining a 有趣的damental understanding of urban ecology and sustainability for a more environmentally resilient, 经济上可行的, 公平的社会. 关注皇冠投注的脸谱网和Instagram @皇冠投注CUES.
- 皇冠投注的农场—The farm’s mission is to serve as an example of sustainable urban farming for 皇冠投注网 and the Indianapolis community by teaching the interconnectedness of life, 粮食安全的重要性, 以及通过有机农业种植当地食物的方法. 关注皇冠投注的脸谱网和Instagram @TheFarmAt皇冠投注.
- 健康和娱乐中心(HRC)-为皇冠投注学院的学生提供许多课程和服务, 教师, 工作人员, 和校友, 以及印第安纳波利斯社区. 它不仅是娱乐部门的网站, the HRC also houses the offices of Counseling and Consultation 服务s, 健康促进, 和保健服务, 让它成为校园里真正的健康中心.
- 谘询服务(CCS)—皇冠投注’s licensed and professionally trained 工作人员 offers counseling services to all currently enrolled students. We strive to provide students with the support and resources they need to help them achieve their personal and academic goals and enhance their experience while in college.
- 校园连接预防自杀训练—This program’s goals are to increase knowledge and skills related to crisis intervention and suicide prevention.
- 安全空间LGBTQ盟友培训-安全空间为教师提供培训, 工作人员, and students to become active and effective allies to the LGBTQ+ community with the goal of providing a more hospitable environment on campus
- 繁荣的校园—Access a network of mental health clinicians in the community who work with students.
- 娱乐与健康—offers a holistic and dynamic approach of a comprehensive suite of services and programs, allowing students to explore informal opportunities in recreation, 体育运动, 和健身. All full-time employees benefit from a free membership to the HRC and can schedule orientation sessions.
- 水上运动—Serious and casual swimmers alike will feel at home in the Aquatic Center. 25码的游泳池包含6条独立泳道, and feeds into a spacious leisure pool featuring bubble benches and a current channel.
- 员工健康激励措施—皇冠投注网 has developed incentives to encourage participation in on-campus programs and services that can help you achieve your health goals.
- 团体健身班- HRC提供了各种令人兴奋的, 有趣的, and dynamic 团体健身班 on a weekly basis that are free with HRC membership.
- 个人培训—Our 个人培训 service strives to serve 皇冠投注网 and the surrounding community by meeting the needs of our clients.Our trainers will help you reach your goals with personalized programming.
- 谘询服务(CCS)—皇冠投注’s licensed and professionally trained 工作人员 offers counseling services to all currently enrolled students. We strive to provide students with the support and resources they need to help them achieve their personal and academic goals and enhance their experience while in college.
- 人力资源、健康和福利福利
- 年度健康检查
- Apta护理协调
- 基本的生活/广告&D
- Compsych
- 员工援助计划(EAP)
- 在线支持
- 工作生活解决方案
- 牙科
- 休假
- 健康储蓄账户
- 哺乳期的房间
- 长期残疾
- 医疗
- 医疗 Flexible Spending Accounts and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts
- 带薪休假福利:PTO,假期,假期,和丧亲
- 处方
- 预防性健康福利
- 短期残疾
- 远程医疗
- 愿景
- 自愿的广告&D,生活,配偶生活/AD&D,依赖生命/AD&D
- 性行为不端资源—Pursuant to our institutional values and the federal law known as Title IX, 皇冠投注网 does not discriminate on the basis of sex or gender in any aspect of its operations, 包括招生和就业. 性行为不端也是被禁止的. 不当性行为包括性别歧视和基于性别的歧视, 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 性剥削, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 和被人跟踪. The sexual misconduct website includes information about how 皇冠投注 works to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct.